Biblical Counseling Ministry

Biblical Counseling Ministry of Surrey Hills Baptist Church offers free counseling services to our community every Wednesday evening from 5pm-8pm. As a Christian ministry, all of our counselors do profess a personal relationship with Jesus Christ and believe in the transformational power of the Holy Spirit. We believe God can use counseling to bring healing and encouragement to individuals and families. 

We believe biblical counseling can benefit people in practical and profound ways. Counseling can bring clarity to past experiences, issues of conflict, personal concerns, and relationships. It’s our goal to meet people where they are, to remain non-judgmental and compassionate, and to empower each individual, couple, and family with the tools needed to gain wholeness, healing, and freedom. Come experience a safe place to get the needed guidance and wisdom you’ve been seeking! 

If you would like to enroll in counseling with one of our counselors please call us. For general questions or comments, email us at

Sally Kern

For 40 years Sally Kern has been a pastor’s wife and a school teacher for 20 years. She learned to love the Bible from her mother, and as a minister’s wife has studied it, taught it and used it to counsel countless women over the years. Sally has found the Bible to be not only a religious book but, also,  a very practical guide filled with life principles that lead to living a full and meaningful life. She has been married to Steve Kern for 53 years. They have two sons, a daughter-in-law, and two grandsons.

Scharlee Glenn

Falling in love with Jesus Christ and His word at the age of 15 began my life journey of serving and helping others. My calling from God to be a minister’s wife led me into many opportunities to share Christ as well as mentor and disciple others. Ultimately, those two things have led me to Biblical Counseling. Two years after the death of my husband I heard about Biblical Counseling and knew that was where God was leading me. Caring about people and the ability God gave me to listen to others is combined with the study of scripture so that I am can “rightly divide the word of truth.” 2 Timothy 2:15 I have discipled women, married and single, as well as teens throughout the years. I am an encourager and a person who holds others accountable. Biblical Counseling requires the ability to actively listen and help uncover any areas of life that may be out of line with scripture. It is a process that requires a counselee to have a teachable spirit and a desire to become all that Christ wants you to be. The journey of growing in Christ was not meant to be a lonely journey according to Ecclesiastes 4:9-10, “Two are better than one, because they have a good return for their work: If one falls down, his friend can help him up. But pity the man who falls and has no one to help him up!”

Mark Mediores

Mark Medeiros is a graduate of Calvary Chapel Bible College and has served in ministry with his wife, Rebecca and two children for 15+ years. While he greatly enjoyed serving as a youth pastor for 3 different churches in 2 different states, the greatest adventure and step of faith is when God called his family out to be missionaries in America. First in Washington, D.C. then while traveling across 36 states sharing the Gospel. Currently Mark is serving as a domestic mission’s pastor at Surrey Hills Baptist Church. How Mark can help: Marriage and pre-marriage, men’s and group biblical counseling.