Outreach Ministry
Vision & Mission Statement
Our Vision is to develop a body of believers who are trained and equipped in the sharing of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. We work diligently to provide both opportunities & resources for local evangelism & outreach.
The Gospel is at the core of our evangelistic Mission. As we reach out, we extend the Good News about Jesus! As we share a conversation, we tell of the marvelous works He has done. As we feed the hungry and shelter the homeless, we remember His perfect sacrifice for us. May our lives be driven by the one message with the power to save souls!


Why is the Gospel Good?
“The good news of Jesus Christ is that God the Father, who is holy and righteous in all His ways, is angry with sinners and will punish sin. Man, who disobeys the rule of God, is alientated from the love of God and is in danger of an eternal agonizing condemnation at the hands of God. But God, who is rich in mercy, because of His great love, sent His eternal Son, to die as a ransom and a substitute for the sins of rebellious people. And now, through the perfect obedience of the Son of God and His willing death on the cross as a payment for our sins, all who repent and believe in Jesus Christ, following Him as Savior and Lord, will be saved from the wrath of God to come, be declared just in His sight, have eternal life, and receive the Spirit of God as a foretaste of the glories of heaven with God Himself. ” (T. Anyabile, 2008).